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Textiles and fabrics KAE

Textiles courses

Join a Textiles course and learn how to create unique fabric pieces for a variety of uses ranging from fashion and home furnishings to embroidery and textile art. Learn how to use easy sewing methods and techniques like origami to create small boxes and bags or the basics of needle felting to create your own ornaments and decorations. You will be shown how to create your own designs before using a wide range of fabrics, mediums, and techniques to produce surface decoration and embellishment.  Our Textiles courses are taught in centre and online, in real time by specialist tutors based in Kent and are suitable for all abilities.

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3

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A Day of Wet Feltmaking

CAN/145789/P/NC Location: Canterbury Adult Education Centre, Canterbury Course hours: 5 hours
Price: £65.00

Only 4 places remaining

Macrame - Make a Plant Hanger

MAI/146202/P/NC Location: Oakwood House, Maidstone Course hours: 2 hours
Price: £31.00

Only 4 places remaining

Batik - Printing and Dyeing

BRO/145891/P/NC Location: Broadstairs Adult Education Centre, Broadstairs Course hours: 4 hours 30 minutes