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Family Learning courses

We offer a wide range of Family Learning courses, around Kent. These courses aim to support the health and wellbeing of families, allowing them to learn together in a creative and stimulating environment, supporting them to improve their English, Maths and language skills. With this new confidence and inspiration we aim to encourage families to take their next steps towards improving family lives and chances.

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 19

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Autism Awareness

ONL/147010/P/PF Location: Delivered online Course hours: 2 hours

This course is currently full and online booking is not possible. Please call 03000 41 22 22 to register your interest. We will contact you directly if we can accommodate you.

Price: FREE Concessions

This course is full

Story and Craft

ASH/147021/P/PF Location: Ashford Library, Ashford Course hours: 1 hour 30 minutes

Fathers Matter

ONL/147023/P/PF Location: Delivered online Course hours: 2 hours

Strategies to Support your Child with English (7-11 years) - Webinar

ONL/147197/P/PF Location: Delivered online Course hours: 1 hour

Strategies to Support Your Child with Maths 7-11 yrs - Webinar

ONL/147051/P/PF Location: Delivered online Course hours: 1 hour

Mask Making

DOV/147148/P/PF Location: KCC Libraries Dover, Dover Course hours: 2 hours

Creative Paperworks

TON/147043/P/PF Location: Tonbridge Library, Tonbridge Course hours: 1 hour 30 minutes

Family First Aid

ONL/147082/P/PF Location: Delivered online Course hours: 6 hours

Exploring Behaviour Strategies

ONL/147080/P/PF Location: Delivered online Course hours: 2 hours

Managing Children's Behaviour

ONL/147081/P/PF Location: Delivered online Course hours: 6 hours