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Blind man sitting on a bench in a park

Deafblind courses

Our Work Skills and Careers Deafblind courses are designed for anyone who wishes to learn how to communicate with Deafblind people or anyone who has an interest in Deafblind language. You'll have the opportunity to understand how Deafblindness affects communication, learn how to use a range of communication methods to support conversation with a Deafblind person, take part in a conversation with a Deafblind person and how to guide a Deafblind person within a building and to a place of safety.

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Deafblind Communication - Taster

CAN/148955/P/PF Location: Canterbury Adult Education Centre, Canterbury Course hours: 3 hours

Deafblind Communication - Taster

TON/148952/P/PF Location: Tonbridge Adult Education Centre, Tonbridge Course hours: 3 hours