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Positive Steps

Three people's legs walking outside

Introducing Positive Steps - Removing Barriers for Individuals

Our 'Positive Steps' pathway to learning is a dedicated social prescribing package. This access route has been specifically designed to address some of the barriers to learning that people may face, therefore helping to make the first or further steps into learning more achievable.

The scheme includes a distinct set of pathways, onto which we will accept referrals via a link worker, community connector or any health professional.

Person's feet walking outside

The Accessibility Pathway

The social prescribing organisations we spoke to identified transportation as one of the main barriers to individuals taking up a social prescription opportunity. We will work with people to overcome this, giving advice on where the nearest courses are and how to get there via public transport, or helping them to select and access an online opportunity. When an individual on this pathway decides they want to enrol on an in-centre course, we will give them a 20% reduction in fees to help cover the cost of transport to the centre.

Holding hands

The Positivity Pathway

Social prescribing can be an effective option for individuals with mild to moderate mental health problems, or who are isolated or lonely. However, for some people in these situations, joining a course could cause anxiety or seem too intimidating. There are a number of ways we can support these students to make the first, most difficult step, into the classroom, which we will discuss with them prior to enrolment. These might include bringing a friend or relative with them to class, talking with or meeting the tutor before the first session, or meeting someone prior to the classes starting so that they can walk in together.

Putting money in a purse

The Financial Pathway

Financial difficulties can be a considerable issue for some people joining us via social prescription. We have a number of financial support options available to learners wishing to attend a course which is either fully or part funded, and there is also the option to pay in instalments by standing order on most courses. These options will be explained and explored with all learners referred onto the financial pathway to see if a suitable course can be identified within these schemes. When one of the above options is not available, we will offer a 50% discount on a first course with us, a 20% discount on a second course and a 10% discount on a third course as a way of easing the financial costs.

Man looking up to sky with eyes closed

The Health and Wellbeing Pathway

Sometimes social prescribing is used instead of medication or before a medical intervention as a way of improving mental or physical health. Individuals referred onto this pathway will be offered a fitness or wellbeing course after discussion regarding their individual requirements. We also have a new course called 'This Girl Can' which has been developed by Sport England and EMD UK to offer lower intensity, fun and supportive sessions for women who may otherwise not feel comfortable attending group exercise classes. Further details on 'This Girl Can' can be found here.