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Work Skills courses

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Our comprehensive Work Skills courses will provide you with the tools and techniques you need to succeed in today's competitive job market. From effective communication and time management skills to conflict resolution and teamwork, our courses covers a wide range of essential work skills that are guaranteed to make you stand out in any professional setting.

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 12

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Response: Employment Essentials - Personal Power and Confidence

ONL/146974/P/PF Location: Delivered online Course hours: 2 hours

Employability - Creating a Vision Board for Success

GRA/143877/P/PF Location: Gravesend Adult Education Centre, Gravesend Course hours: 4 hours

Response: Employment Essentials - Uncover Your Genius – Transferable Skills

ONL/147053/P/PF Location: Delivered online Course hours: 2 hours

Response: Employment Essentials - Personal Profiles and Tailored CVs

ONL/146975/P/PF Location: Delivered online Course hours: 2 hours

Response: Employment Essentials - Hunt the Hidden Job Markets

ONL/146978/P/PF Location: Delivered online Course hours: 2 hours

Response: Employment Essentials - Agency Work - Is it for You?

ONL/146980/P/PF Location: Delivered online Course hours: 2 hours

Response: Employment Essentials - Testing Times - What are Psychometrics?

ONL/146981/P/PF Location: Delivered online Course hours: 2 hours

Response: Employment Essentials - How to Ace that Video Interview

ONL/146982/P/PF Location: Delivered online Course hours: 2 hours

Planning your Community Event

GRA/144356/P/PF Location: Gravesend Adult Education Centre, Gravesend Course hours: 2 hours 30 minutes

Employability - Identity and Personal Presentation

GRA/143878/P/PF Location: Gravesend Adult Education Centre, Gravesend Course hours: 6 hours