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Child building lego spaceship

Family Learning

Courses for parents, carers and their children

Family Learning courses are informative, practical and fun, offering a great opportunity for parents, carers and their children to enjoy quality time together learning new skills or maybe rediscovering old ones. We run our courses in local schools, children's centres, faith venues and other community centres. Courses are run free of charge in priority locations. Where a community does not meet these criteria, we are very happy to make the same offer at a very competitive price.

Child and parent holding hands

A Guide to Starting School

Is your child getting ready to start school? Take a look at our tips for helping your child make the transition to primary school.

Our Guide to Getting Ready for School

What people say about us

When Vicky started on a Family Learning course she suffered from anxiety and had little confidence.

Vicky says “I joined the Adult Education courses because I wanted a chance to get out of the house and start to learn again. My anxiety had got so bad that going anywhere without someone I knew was a massive trigger for me. We had some awful times as a family, with different people and it was time to make a change and create something positive in our lives. The courses at the school were ideal for me because the Story Sacks course involved the children, and they were held somewhere I knew. It was nice to be able to do something productive and educational with my children, but also for me, it was nice to learn and build up a bit of confidence in my knowledge again after being out of education so long. I also wanted to show my children that it’s never too late to go back to learning, and every step counts.  I want them to be proud of me and I want a better life for all of us. I don’t want them ever to doubt that they can do anything they put their minds to.”

"Adult Education continues to offer some fantastic free learning opportunities for both families and staff members, we have had some excellent feedback from clients who have benefitted from attending the courses. These have ranged from parenting, Family Language ESOL courses, right through to fun activities for all the family to enjoy. Most recently we have had a lot of interest in the courses around autism awareness" - Manager - Children's Centre.

"Kent Adult Education is a valuable partner in supporting the Children's Centre's work and effectiveness in achieving our outcomes. Their role has complemented our work with partners such as Job Centre Plus and their ability to work in partnership with us designing specific courses to meet the needs of our communities is invaluable." - Dartford Children's Centre.

boy holding balloon animal

Fun at Family Learning events

Family Learning have worked in partnership with the children's centres Reconnect events. We ran craft workshops alongside our balloon modeller which drew huge crowds. Lots of fun was had! Here is one of the children who came along and enjoyed making a balloon animal.

Headcorn Family Day

Headcorn Animal Antics Family Day

Over 200 families attended a Family Event in Headcorn recently organised by the Children's centre. The Family Learning Team provided a vibrant musical activity to keep the crowds happy and singing along. There was face painting, balloon modelling, quizzes and of course Easter hunts. Lots of fun was had by all despite the wet weather!